Website Maintenance
Your website is a business asset that generates income. Just like physical assets (buildings, equipment, etc), your online asset needs regular attention – maintenance, repairs and security.
A website with out of date software lacks the latest security updates and has a higher risk of being corrupted and/or lost. When the website does not have a recent backup, the bad situation only gets worse.
Monthly website maintenance:
- helps protect your site from unauthorised access
- maintains a reliable backup
- keeps your website running efficiently
With the latest tools for virus protection and security along with efficient manual processes for back-up, update and error checking, we will keep your online asset in top condition!
Social Panda Website Maintenance Packages
Choose the website maintenance package that best suits and contact us to get started.
Package 1
Minimal protection for low use personal websites
- Basic security hardening implementation
- Backup
- Automatic backup (daily)
- WordPress & plugins update (1 per month)
- with basic manual check ^
- with up to half hour error fixing
Manual backup
Real time website up-time monitoring
Realtime Malware scannerDatabase optimisation
from $95 +gst/
per month
Package 2
Medium protection for business websites
- Basic security hardening implementation
- Backup
- Automatic backup (daily)
- Manual backup (1 per month)
- WordPress & Plugins update (1 per month)
- with detailed manual check ^
- with up to half hour error fixing
- Real time website up-time monitoring
- Realtime Malware scanner
Database optimisation
from $190 +gst/
per month
Package 3
Higher protection for business websites
- Advanced security hardening implementation
- Backup
- Automatic backup (daily)
- Manual backup (1 per month)
- WordPress & Plugins update (2 per month)
- with detailed manual check ^
- with up to half hour error fixing
- Real time website up-time monitoring
- Realtime Malware scanner
- Database optimisation (2 per month)
from $290 +gst/
per month
Add WordFence Plugin Premium Subscription
- Advanced firewall with realtime IP blacklisting (when robots try to break in the site by guessing the password in the login they are intercepted and banned from the site realtime)
- Realtime IP database updates (when other websites are attacked we receive the attacker’s IP in realtime and allowing us to immediately ban known attackers from your site)
- Realtime malware signature updates, the security scanner and firewall rely on thousands of malware signatures to help identify malware on your website and to block malicious uploads.
All Prices are in Australian dollars (unless otherwise specified).
^Manual checks & error fixing explained:
– Basic manual check: navigation on a few pages to see there are no visible errors.
– Detailed manual check: basic check plus checking that all forms work and send emails without errors.
Occasionally (even after checking manually) the website has obscure errors that we did not find, these situations are very rare but can happen.
Error fixing that takes longer than 30 mins will be charged hourly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does website maintenance need to be done monthly? Can’t it be done once a year or something?
Software is being updated constantly to be more efficient and secure in the online world. If we update your software less regularly, your website is at high risk of being hacked.
Website hacks are common, they cause damage to your site and give access to the private data of your clients. A hacked website will cost much more to clean and fix than the monthly maintenance and it is likely to loose you business.
In a practical sense, when we update a website less often, far too many problems arise with the software updates and conflicts, making it overall more complex and time consuming to have your website back to working order.
What’s involved in website maintenance?
It depends in the package you choose but generally, we implement and monitor ongoing checks plus spend a number of hours each month working on your site.
- Manually create and store a backup (so we have a current reliable backup of your website that can be retrieved at any time).
- Update all software to the latest versions, including. WordPress and all plugins.
- Do a basic visual check to ensure the website appears correctly after the updates.
- Test that your contact forms work correctly after the update.
- If needed, we will spend up to half an hour fixing small issues that arise.
What happens if my website is hacked?
If you have regular website maintenance performed on your website, it is less likely that the website will be hacked. This is because we monitor your website with specialist software plus the best security measures are in place in the latest versions of your software.
If your website is hacked, we have a reliable backup that we can reinstate – so the clean up is much faster.
If you do not have a up-to-date backup, your website will need hours of trouble shooting and cleaning to fix the issues. This is an time consuming and expensive process. While your website is being fixed it will not be accessible to your potential clients which can loose you business.
How do I get started?
Contact Kelly today: [email protected], 0419 112 334.
She will organise all the details and setup your monthly maintenance plan.